
>> Sunday, February 28, 2010

For the Upstate of South Carolina....My buddy Andy Wood putting out some 4-6" ideas on the Fox Carolina Blog this afternoon.

Andy is a skilled and passionate meteorologist....see his thoughts here....

Fox Carolina Weather Blog

Some of the modeling trends have been encouraging for I-85 snow fans today; others have not (European primarily). Overall, I still think things look pretty good to get some snow on the ground in a lot of places with this.

I will probably put up a post this evening, and then of course a new video and full post with a preliminary accumulation map bright and early in the morning.

As for now, time to watch the big hockey game. USA!


Anonymous 3:38 PM  

Matt, How are things looking for Eastern Carolina? Thanks for your updates!

JoshM 4:51 PM  

Hey Matt, I'm in Bessemer City, you think we might eek out at least an inch?

Anonymous 7:01 PM  

What happened to Crun's Blog?

Anonymous 7:01 PM  

I meant Crum...

Anonymous 7:03 PM  


Anonymous 7:04 PM  

cream blog is working fine


Tyler Legg 7:12 PM  

Jeff updated his blog...Gave it a new theme. It's still up and running.

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