Colder air settles back in...

>> Friday, December 12, 2008

Above it today's edition of the Carolina Weather Video.

Quiet weather has returned to the Carolinas, and it will last through the weekend. It is nice to see the sun out there today. Cooler air is also pushing in, and lows tonight will drop down into the 20s. Highs tomorrow will only be in the 40s for much of the Piedmont.

Milder weather will be with us for a chunk of next work week with highs returning to the 60s. There will also be some shower chances around mid-week.

As it stands now, I do not think we are entering a prolonged period of above average temps....I expect more cold air later in the month. See the video above for more details about next week.

Active week at work, so hoping to squeeze in at least a little downtime this weekend. Have a great weekned!


Anonymous 7:58 AM  


I think i am going to send my snow shovel and sled to some people along the gulf coast. They will probably need it more than i will. I was telling someone the other day I am so JEALOUS. I was looking and some place in la and tx got 4-6 inches of snow. I live next to the mtns in surry county and I haven't seen that much snow at one time in 5-6 years.


Maybe Sometime.

Sorry Matthew I had to whine a little!! LOL

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