Heat slowly builds....

>> Friday, June 04, 2010

Very warm conditions will be with us today through the weekend. Highs today around the Piedmont will top out in the upper 80s to around 90, then look for low to mid 90s tomorrow and Sunday. Not only will be be fairly hot, it is going to remain quite humid, so this will have the look and feel of a mid-Summer weekend.

If you are heading out of town this weekend, first of all, remember you can check out the mountain and coastal pages of my site on the left. Lots of good information there. For the coast, a pretty good beach weekend is on tap. Highs will be well up into the 80s, and locations outside of the Outer Banks could even touch 90 either weekend day. A few PM storms will be possible through the weekend, but they will be hit and miss.

Up in the mountains, look for some scattered afternoon storms with highs in the 80s.

It still appears we will get a break from this weekend's heat and humidity as we roll into Monday and Tuesday. Highs will back down toward the mid 80s, and the humidity levels will be noticeably lower.

Some shower and storm chances look to return for the second half of the work week.


Anonymous 9:14 AM  

Hey Matt,
Forgot to ask you what you thought about the LOST finale. I remember you mentioned you were a fan of the show. Frankly, as a big fan myself, I was very disappointed.


I understand it's supposed to be "all about the characters", but pulling the "they're all dead" move in the flash sideways was bit of a cop-out and a pull the rug out maneuver. It seems most of the seasons and plot that preceded this season didn't mean anything. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.


Matthew East 1:44 PM  

Brad....again SPOILER ALERT...

Haha....I am actually of the opposite view. Here's why. Everything that happened on the island through the years was real and vitally important. In my opinion, it meant everything. The journey these characters took together on the island was the defining moments and most important moments of their lives...thus why they are together in the 'afterlife.'

One of the huge overriding themes of the show from day 1 has been redemption. And like Jacob told Jack in the next to last episode, these characters needed the island as much as the island needed them. They needed each other and their time together on the island to become the people they became.

Was the reveal that the flash-sideways was some sort of after-like holding area a big surprise? Yes. Were any punches pulled through the season to keep us off that track? Yes...but I will say that they did give us plenty of clues through the season now that I think back. But I don't think it was a cop-out....in my opinion, that has been the whole point of the show from the beginning.

This is a show about people....the mysteries were fun and exciting, but Lost was all about the characters.

There are a few answers that we didn't get that I would have liked to have gotten, but I found the finale incredibly emotionally moving. When the afterlife thing was revealed, I had to take a few moments and see if I was 'OK' with that....when I discovered I was, I found the finale very satisfying.

There's my short answer...hahaha.

Matthew East 1:47 PM  

Brad...let me add that I am totally fine with people not liking the finale. To each their own. Lost has always left tons of room for interpretation, and this is no exception.

I am just stating that after some initial reservations about it, I have really come to like it...

Anonymous 4:13 PM  

Matt, it was polarizing wasn't it? I can understand why some were satisfied too, the feel good character endings. I guess it depends on what you were looking for in the ending and what drew you to the show.

But I was drawn in not as much with the characters (I really liked Miles and Hurley though!;) but with the mysteries of the island. That's what had me glued. What's going on, how are they going to explain that? Why were some so "special" and had such special powers? The island really WAS a character of the show. Then at the end, they don't explain it. That's my frustration. Like a 100% chance of 12 inches of snow in Charlotte forecast, then we get some sleet/freezing rain instead. NOOOOOOO!!!!!

It was a moving finale, I do agree with you there. Ah, TV what we do without you?


Matthew East 4:18 PM  

Brad, I hear ya. I wanted answers to why Walt was so special. They made such a big deal about him early in the series, I wanted explanations. My understanding is that they did shoot some stuff with that actor for the finale but couldn't work it in. That will probably be something on the DVDs.

In some ways, they were in a lose-lose situation. If they showed you the reasons why all of this stuff was happening, some people would inevitably be disappointed with the answer. Like I know some people who hated how they showed the 'heart' of the island.

I just made peace with this island being a special, weird place where strange things happened...a lot of it due to the electro-magnetic specialness of the place. But there is a deeper spiritual level involved that would be tough to delve into.

I wanted to know who was involved with the outrigger shoot-out too!

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