Another great day!

>> Thursday, October 01, 2009

In today's video, I take a look at the weekend weather, some flooding potential around the South next week, and maybe a cold shot to end next week.


Anonymous 5:03 PM  

What are your thoughts on the Hurricane's been absolutely dead (not really bad, just different and dry in the SE). The estimate I thought was for several storms and I think we've only had 3-4. Is there any correlation between hurricanes coming through and the following winter months in regard to weather? I guess our "pseudo El-Nino" will come in to play there, just curious to get your overall pattern thoughts here. Thanks!


Matthew East 5:39 AM  

Hi Brad,

So far, we have had 6 named systems in the Atlantic Basin. There are sometimes correlations between the hurricane season and the winter that follows, but to what degree is a big question mark.

This will be an El Nino Winter it appears, which can mean different things here in the Carolinas, depending on some other factors.

I am working on my winter outlook....will have it posted here on the blog by Halloween.

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