Lower humidity again....
>> Thursday, July 02, 2009
Julianna, my 2 year old, walked into the corner of a collection post walking out of church yesterday evening and split her eyebrow open. She is doing just fine, but the two for us made a trip to the ER to see if stitches were required. Evidently, normally with a cut like that dermabond would have been used. However, this was right on the eyebrow, so that wasn't an option. Fortunately, stitches were not required. Made it home just before 11pm....made the alarm to get up for the early morning shift a little painful today. So, I am feeling it right now, but the important thing is that she is OK.
In terms of our weather, another low-humidity type of airmass is settling into the Piedmont today. We will see lots of sunshine and highs in the mid to maybe upper 80s. Late this afternoon and early this evening, I can't completely rule out an isolated shower or storm. However, I think probably 98% of the area will remain dry.
The weather tomorrow looks very nice with lows of sunshine and highs in the mid to upper 80s.
For the Fourth, look for mid to upper 80s to maybe lower 90s with most spots remaining dry. I can't rule out an isolated PM shower or storm, but most folks should not have any weather problems for your outdoor plans.
Unsettled weather will be with us Sunday and Monday with some shower and storm chances.
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