Tropical showers and storms...

>> Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Above is today's edition of the Carolina Weather Video.

Soupy, tropical conditions continue. With a look at the water vapor imagery you can trace our plume of moisture all of the way from the eastern Caribbean Sea.

The result for us is more showers and embedded storms today. With the airmass being as humid as it is, more tropical downpours are likely, and some localized flash flooding issues could develop. Highs will be in the mid to upper 70s today.

More showers and storms are on the way tomorrow with highs in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees.

A cold front will eventually sag our way. At this point, it looks like it will move through late Friday. So, both Thursday and Friday we could see some mainly afternoon scattered storms. However, drier air will work in here behind the front, and as of now, the upcoming weekend still looks warm and mainly dry.


DoubleJ 9:59 AM  

I have to be honest, was disappointed this weekend, because I thought it was going to be drier, but I guess we needed the rain, we were already falling an inch behind for the year, so I guess it wasn't a bad thing.

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