
>> Thursday, April 09, 2009

Evangeline Isabella East was born early Tuesday morning. She was 10 pounds and 22 inches long! Mom and baby are doing pretty well, and we are now getting settled in back at home.

I appreciate all of your prayers, thoughts, and kind words. They mean a ton to me.

I will be taking some time off of work for the next couple of weeks. However, I will be checking in here on the blog from time to time. So keep checking the blog if you like...I will post some items on my mind from time to time.

Also, keep tabs on the severe weather potential later tomorrow and tomorrow night. News 14 Carolina will keep you completely up to date.

God bless....


Anonymous 1:49 PM  


she is beautiful ! congratulations mom and dad ....May God bless you and your family ! what a wonderful little blessing and bundle of joy !

Courtney Johnson 4:11 PM  

AWWW!!! She's cute. She looks like her sisters!!! Love all the hair too!! Congrats again.


DoubleJ 8:20 PM  

Congratulations Matthew!!

Kimberly 11:41 PM  

Awwww Matthew...she is SO cute! Congradulations! I love the name too...its pretty!
God bless you and your family!
♥ Kimberly

Anonymous 9:10 AM  

Congratulations Matt! Wow, 10lbs! She wasn't going to come out until she was ready was she? When I thought of your family I thought of the Ingalls family from Little House on the Praire.....(3 girls) now I'm thinking about "Cheaper by the Dozen"!!!

Have fun and try to get some sleep! We'll bother Jeff for weather junk for a few weeks. Congratulations again.


Matthew East 9:49 AM  

Thank you all so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it!

We are almost to our East family basketball team!

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