Storm system set to move in...

>> Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Above is today's edition of the Carolina Weather Video. In it I discuss our next storm system, the weekend outlook, and some thoughts on the weather pattern as we head into March.


Anonymous 3:09 PM  


What are your thoughts now that the euro is out? Looks like we may get a nice snow this weekend.

Anonymous 3:44 PM  

Well Matt, I mean Mr. Wizard....the HPC and NWS in Greenville doesn't buy the 12 EURO because of the break in continuity....I guess the new models forms a new surface low near the gulf as the previous run was only a front passage.

What does Mr. Wizard say about this new run.....I know, wait until the new models come out right? I need to click my heels three times and go to Alta Utah!!


Matthew East 4:05 PM  

Oh yeah, 12z Euro and Canadian were very interesting. It is all about the trajectory that shortwave takes as it dives through the Plains.

The HPC and NWS are right to not make any big changes in the forecast based on a couple of models changing solutions. However, this has the feel of a trend developing in the models.

It would not be unusual for the operational Euro to catch development that the ensembles are not....

The 0z runs tonight will be interesting.

Anonymous 4:40 PM  

Thanks Jeff, that's what I want to COULD be a trend; smells like it. We'll see. Thanks for the look behind the curtain. Say hey to Dorthy and Toto for me.


junior weather man 9:24 PM  

Hey Matt,
Taken verbaitum, what would you estimate cleveland county getting with the sunday morning clipper system... HOPFULLY a good 2-5".... please respond...
,Thanks Matt

DoubleJ 10:58 PM  

Hopefully Matt this works out, would be nice to have some significant snowfall. BTW, I saw a little sleet in the University area tonight, even though it lasted less than a minute, it did catch me offguard.

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