Cleveland county severe...

>> Thursday, June 22, 2006

Those storms over the mountains and foothills have gradually edged into western parts of the area. The storms could be locally strong to severe over the next couple of hours. Northern Cleveland is under one of those storms as I am typing this.


Anonymous 10:23 PM  

Hey Matthew. I have a question about wind shear. I know that lack of wind shear causes storms like we had today to rain themselves out quickly (updraft is smothered by the rain). When it comes to hurricanes, less shear is better. This is a little confusing to me because a hurricane contains convective clouds as well. What am I missing? Is it because the hurricane is constantly fueled by the warm water beneath it? Thanks!

Anonymous 1:26 PM  

In addition...when these slow moving storms collapse on themselves, doesnt that pose another problem...microburst / straight line winds ??

Matthew East 1:26 PM  

Excellent question...

Tropical systems produce plenty of storms when wind shear is in place. However, for a hurricane to achieve the "right" state for strengthening and maintaining itself, you need little or no shear. Keep in mind hurricanes are warm core systems, so you have to think of them differently than your typical non-tropical low pressure areas.

Take a look at this link. Jeff Haby was one of my professors in college, and this is his great website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Matthew East 1:31 PM  

You are absolutely correct about the microbursts. When those storms do collapse, they often do create microbursts. Here is some additional information...

Anonymous 2:05 PM  

Thanks Matthew!

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