Frost on the Pumpkin...

>> Monday, October 20, 2008

Brrr.....very chilly out there this morning. As I am typing this, Charlotte is sitting at 33 degrees, and Reidsville has been below the freezing mark at times. Obviously, this is our coldest morning so far this season.

This cold airmass will modify a bit over the next 36 hours....highs today will be in the upper 60s to lower 70s with low to maybe mid 70s tomorrow. Lows tonight will mainly be in the 40s.

However, another cold front will drop through later tomorrow, and that will push another shot of colder air in here for Wednesday and much of the rest of the week. Lows will likely dip into the 30s again on Wednesday and Thursday morning in many spots, and some highs will again be in the 50s.

It is looking like a pretty significant storm system will roll through the eastern US Friday and Saturday. For us, that means some good rain chances and possibly some breezy conditions.

I am also getting the idea that a big push of cold air will try to invade the eastern US next, some pretty chilly air might very well be in place for the days leading up to Halloween.

Some questions are coming in about my thoughts for the upcoming Winter....right now, it is a work in progress, but hopefully I will give you some ideas in the coming days.

I will be out of the office tomorrow.....taking an off day to take the family up to the North Carolina mountains and check out the Fall foliage. Weather should be nice....

I am still trying to get the software license nailed down to cut my, at least for another couple of days, still no Carolina Weather Video.


Anonymous 4:22 PM  

Oh, yeah! I'd like to hear your comments on the coming winter. The "official" forecast seems to be warmer and drier but I doubt it. It seems to be whatever the forecast is for the winter, it turns out to be the opposite.

Plus it seems like there's a "normal" pattern back to the Carolinas.....tropical systems, normal rainfall, etc. I'm hoping for a couple of moderate snows this least our average.

Goldenrod 10:32 PM  

Hey there, Matthew!

Been a while since I visited your site. Hope you're having a good day in the mountains viewing the foliage with your family, by the way!

You know, we've had snow for Christmas here in Houston only ONCE in the many years I've lived here.

Certainly do not want to say that I miss 'it' (snow), but down here -- even if we get some! -- generally we do not have to shovel it.

I wonder if your magic looking glass foresees a colder winter (than normal) for my area?

I've heard that forecasted from other sources. I just wondered what YOU thought! (?)

Anonymous 2:27 PM  

hey matthew,

noticed that you mentioned the idea of a big push of cold air next week. just curious on how chilly youre thinking it might get. considering i work outdoors in the evenings 75% of the time, kinda would like to know if i should drag out the winter gear yet or hold off a bit.

thanks and keep up the good work

Anonymous 11:10 PM  

Widespread freeze next week? How much snow this winter? I want blizzards, lots of them!

Matthew East 8:42 AM  

Yeah, still hashing out some general ideas.

Hi golden. Had a great time. I remember the Christmas snow in Houston....what was it, 2004? I was in Mississippi at the time....very frustrating to have it snow to your south in the Deep South! But I am sure it was fun for you guys.

As for the winter gear....depends on how you do with chilly temps. Probably 50s at best for highs Tuesday and Wednesday with a freeze likely by Wednesday morning. Quick dropping evening temps.

And I am pulling about as hard as anyone can for a good snow.....

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